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Administrative Support (In Home) - $7/hr

Job Location

Work From Home

Type of Job

Part - Time

Published By

S.G.S Enterprises

Published Date

April 1, 2020 at 9:30:00 PM

About the job

Most administrative assistant duties revolve around managing and distributing information within an office. This generally includes answering phones, taking memos and maintaining files. Administrative assistants may also be in charge of sending and receiving correspondence, as well as greeting clients and customers

  • High School Graduate Required

  • State Identification a Must

  • Training Required

  • Hourly

  • Add-On's Available

Most administrative assistant duties revolve around managing and distributing information within an office. This generally includes answering phones, taking memos and maintaining files. Administrative assistants may also be in charge of sending and receiving correspondence, as well as greeting clients and customers.


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